Rich Harris, The Big Announcement

This week we had the pleasure of speaking with the creator of Svelte, Rich Harris. The topics of the podcast can be seen below but first we have a big announcement! TypeScript support for Svelte is finally, officially here! Hallelujah! Links and other fun stuff: Frontend Masters course by Rich Harris Svite Pancake and Layercake MalinaJS Picks (amazon affiliate links): The Executioner Raspberry Pi 4 Microsoft Sculpt Volumio

This week we had the pleasure of speaking with the creator of Svelte, Rich Harris. The topics of the podcast can be seen below but first we have a big announcement! TypeScript support for Svelte is finally, officially here! Hallelujah!

Links and other fun stuff:

Picks (amazon affiliate links):

Creators and Guests

antony 
antony 
Dad / @SvelteJS maintainer / @SvelteSociety co-founder / Svelte Radio host. Born at 341.57 ppm CO2.
DS Eng @Provihq 🧜 😺 👩‍🏫
Kevin A. K.
Kevin A. K.
Co-founder of Svelte Society 🌎 Organizer of Svelte Summit 🏔 Host of Svelte Radio 📻
Rich Harris, The Big Announcement
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